NHSBSA Previous Classes

Previous Classes:

Yoga 5th November – Pregnancy Focused, how to stay safe in yoga

In this class I start by explaining the theme. I was recently asked to point out some more pregnancy aware things for anyone joining who might be expecting a baby. I’ve decided to spend the whole class moving and doing poses with this in mind. I also talk about how to adapt future yoga classes (that maybe aren’t as pregnancy focused) to suit you. If you’re interested in this and would like more classes along this theme (including a class aimed at pelvic floor pain) please do reach out! ****This class is not intended for your first or last trimesters though you may find some movements and poses helpful. Always ask your midwife / doctor if yoga is right for you and tell me of any health issues before trying the class.****

This class is still great for all abilities and people! This class will open you to learn and grow, becoming an ally and understanding friend for all pregnant women in you life.

Yoga for Beginners – our first class

In this class I welcome you with lots of descriptions of what you can expect in our classes going forward as well as options for using props for common issues. This is a great class if you think you’re “not flexible enough for yoga” or worried because it’s your first class! Every one is welcome.

With Back Friday and Cyber Monday having just passed us it felt relevant to talk about all the stress that these pressure sales tactics can have on our mental health and ways to step away from it noticing what we have and that we need nothing from outside of ourselves.

Yoga 17th December – Yoga for Digestion

This class is not suitable if you are full and have just eaten! In this class, we’ll explore gentle yoga poses and techniques to support digestion. I share tips on how to use a blanket as a yoga prop. We do lots of twists, and turns few sun salutations variation B to get the blood flowing and I explain WHY we’re doing what we’re doing most of the time. Enjoy!

Yoga 3rd December – Yoga for Abundance

In this class we started sat up focusing with a guided meditation on right now. We start movement with Kali mudra before moving into some of cat-cows on all fours. We then move into downward facing dog and once standing we move through a few sun salutations and a few more standing poses before finishing lying down with True Abundance mediation with a mantra – So Hum.

Yoga 26th November – Yoga for low back

In this class we started lying down in a reclined bound angle pose before stretching and strengthening in a flow of cat-cows on all fours. We then move into downward facing dog and once standing we move through a triangle pose and a balanced tree pose before finishing lying down with breath visualisation.

Yoga 19th November – Yoga for this hip flexors (iliopsoas)

In this class we start lying down with the hips up on top of a prop. We then move through bride poses and long twists. We roll to the belly for gentle back bends and hip stretched and strengthening. Flowing to all fours to a toe stretch to standing, for a balance, wide legged twists and do a few slow sun salutation (including pregnancy safe version). We finish with a figure four stretch for the glutes and a relaxing “wells of consciousness” acupressure release with the block.

Yoga 12th November – Yoga for the Neck

In this class we start sat up focusing on how we feel and the neck position. We then move through Neck Magic and some lovely stretches for the neck. We move through all fours to standing, do a slow sun salutation. Balancing in Eagle we stretch through the shoulders and upper back before hanging loose in a wide legged forward fold. We finish with a legs up and relaxing variations of fish pose (two options given).

Yoga 29th October – Stress Relief and Halloween

In this class we start standing! Focusing on “cooling our jets”. When we are in a rush, anxious, or have had something annoying happen, we have all this build up energy and tension in the body – this class starts by getting rid of that. We then move into standing pose before coming down to go through cat-cows, gentle back bends and our final inversion. Finishing in shavasana with guided focus on the time of year – Halloween contemplating on the impermanence of life.

Yoga 22nd October – Upper Back and Shoulders + Wake Up with Aromatherapy

In this class we start in a Zen mediation position with guided focus for self awareness. We use May Chang aromatherapy to wake up and feel more alert and less sluggish. We then start our movement with gentle neck stretches to release tension and move through cat-cows, cow face pose, low lunges, gentle back bends in a slow Sun Salutation before doing a triangle pose and our final inversions. All of these are focused and adapted to stretch, wake up, and put at ease the upper back and shoulders. Finishing in shavasana with guided relaxation for about 5 minutes.

Yoga 1st October – Introspection and Letting Go

In this class we start in a supported bound angle (butterfly pose) with guided breathwork for stress relief. We then turn our attention inwards with a guided focus on introspection. We move through cat-cows, low lunges, gentle back bends and a slow Sun Salutation before doing a few slow rounds of The Golden Seed. You may want to use a chair for those! Finishing in shavasana with guided relaxation and letting go poem.

Yoga 24th September – Returning to Centre with Twists – An Autumn Equinox Practice

In this class we start in a supported forward folded twist for about 5 minutes on each side. In this class we focus on returning to our centre, on finding balance in all things. We do at least three slow and then fast Sun Salutations before doing some standing balances. You may want to use a chair for those! Finishing in shavasana.

Yoga 3rd September – Knee Health with Essential Oils

In this class we start in a seated pose for just under 10 minutes of guided meditation focusing on the knees and working with essential oils (Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint, Rosemary, in a Jojoba carrier). In this class we focus on healing the knees. We do three specific movements to strengthen the muscles around the knees. We move into gentle forward folds before a few standing strengthening the knees and discussing how to protect the knees in our yoga practice and every day life lower body movements. Finishing in shavasana. Note – There are no Sun Salutations in this class.

Yoga 27th August – Hatha Yoga and Anjali Mudra

In this class we start in a seated pose for just under 10 minutes of guided meditation and breathwork – Alternate Nostril Breathing. In this class we focus on the balance between effort and ease, the Yin and Yang of our practice. We move into gently seated stretches, then two hatha variations of the Sun Salutation before a few standing strengthening lower body movements. Finishing in a gentle inversion called Supported Shoulder Stand. *

Yoga 20th August – Introspection & Letting Go

In this class we start in a supported back bend with just over 10 minutes of guided meditation focused on contemplation. In this class we give ourselves permission to think about a specific event that bothered us and contemplate, through introspection, our deep rooted feelings. We move into gently seated stretches, then strengthening and spinal mobility movements on all fours before standing up for a stronger optional low lunge twist and deep leg stretches for tired legs. Finishing in a gentle inversion and shavasana. Note – There are no Sun Salutations in this class.

Yoga 13th August – Pranayama & Breathing

In this class we start with just over 10 minutes of guided meditation focused on the breath. We then move into seated side stretches, standing Sun Salutation and a gentle balance. Finishing in a gentle inversion and shavasana. Throughout the class I cover multiple breathing techniques and focus in on the mindset of breath. I also suggest using aroma therapy as a way to breathe easier.

Yoga 6th August

In this class we start with 10 minutes releasing tension through supported fish pose. We then move into seated neck stretches on the floor, standing Sun Salutation and a gentle Warrior Flow. Finishing in a pose that presses on the “gates of consciousness” acupressure points at the base of the skull. Releasing stress from this high stress area. I also suggest using aroma therapy as part of your stress relief. And guide you through a moving meditation focusing on growing the seed you plant.

Yoga 30th July

In this class we start with 10 minutes releasing stress through seated breathwork and intension setting; what do you want more of in life? We then move into side stretches on the floor, standing Sun Salutation and a gentle Warrior Flow. Finishing in a pose that presses on the “gates of consciousness” acupressure points at the base of the skull. Releasing stress from this high stress area.

Yoga 23rd July

In this class we start with 10 minutes releasing stress through breathwork; calming the mind and focusing on right now. We then move into repetitive movements. Finishing in Stonehenge all in an effort to down regulate to release stress.

Yoga 16th July

In this class we start with 10 minutes releasing stress through breathwork; calming the mind and focusing on right now. We then move into leg and hips stretches. We move into opening the chest with cat-cows. We stand up to do more stretched into the hips (especially the muscles tight from sitting) and the side of the body. We finish with a juicy inversion (up-side down pose) using props below relaxing in a reclined supported butterfly and shavasana all in an effort to down regulate to release stress.

Yoga 2nd July

In this class we start with a 10 minute nervous system regulation; calming the mind and focusing on the breath. We then move into gentle side stretches and shoulder mobility. We float into opening the chest and releasing stress from the neck and shoulders. We stretch into the hips (especially the muscles tight from sitting) and strengthen the legs. We finish with a juicy inversion (up-side down pose) using props to support our nervous system again.