Balance Your Digestion On-Demand Coaching

In this course you’ll learn techniques to heal your digestion, find your triggers and cultivate balance in your life to reduce stress and have fun!

Is this you?

Sick of trying fancy diets to help – anyone say FODMAP?

Think a food is your trigger then later eating it with no problem at all?

Feeling overwhelmed by all the things you could be doing to help your digestion?

Wondering “isn’t this is how everyone feels?

Finding contradictory information all over Google



Life feels out of balance – not doing what you want because you’re busy doing what you don’t want

Every week you have at least some of these issues:
Regular Heart Burn
Acid Reflux
Cramping IBS Pain
Too many trips to the loo
Not enough trip to the loo

Now Imagine this…

Having a healthy digestive system can have many unseen benefits like…

  • Keeping a Healthy Weight
  • Healthy Weight Loss
  • Clear Skin
  • Enhanced Elimination of Toxins
  • Heightened Mental Clarity
  • Increased Energy and Stamina
  • Regular, Consistent and Optimal Bowel Movements
  • Improved Absorption of Nutrients
  • Increased Immune System
  • Increased Disease Defences
  • Relief from Mood Disorders

This isn’t even everything! Imagine if you had optimal digestion and things just started to fall into place…

You can do it!

You CAN improve your digestion without touching your diet

You CAN find how food and you are related – learn your own triggers!

You CAN navigate the world of options available to you and choose the ones that work and that won’t take all day

You CAN connect with people in the same place as you and know that you are 1) not alone and 2) not being a big baby, everyone is NOT in as much pain and discomfort as you

You CAN have more stress-free days than stressed

You CAN manage you worry

You CAN find balance and spend your time doing what you love

Eat without heart burn!
Let go of pills and enjoy your food!
Enjoy being with friends without worrying about how the food will effect you!
Use mindfulness techniques to deal with nausea & pain!
Have regular and comfortable trips to the loo!

Create skills in:

 Pain management

 Condition management (IBS, Acid Reflux, Nausea + more)

 Healthy ways to live for your body

Cultivate life changing benefits:

 Learning what your triggers are

 Trusting your intuition

 Living a pain free life

 Creating space for the ultimate positive change

This Program

Exploration and Learning Topics – Value £1500!

•Education – Biology 101 The Digestive System

•Education – Biology 101 The Nervous System

•Education – Food as Medicine

•Your Stress Storm

•Creating Your Plan

•Empowerment Method

•Your Success Strategy

Implementation Modules – Value £200

•Cardio Yoga for Digestion – YOGA WORKSHOP

•Yin Yoga for Digestion – YOGA WORKSHOP

•Restorative Yoga for Digestion –  YOGA WORKSHOP

•Mini Yoga Class for Restful Digestion – YOGA WORKSHOP use right after a big meal


Value £200!

•FREE! Three months of all my online yoga classes as a member!

•Unlimited Access to On-Demand Trainings

•Access to me for 1:1 questions, book in a 30-min Zoom session or email me

My Offer To You

Education and Learning Value £1500!

Implementation Modules Value £200!

Bonuses Value £200!

TOTAL Value £1900!

YOU PAY £1000!

What people are saying…

“Thank you for today’s class. It was excellent and just what was needed. I have been doing some of the poses covered today as part of my Physiotherapy exercises which I have been doing three times a day and found that today was really helpful.”


[Yoga Focus Nerve Flossing Class]

My Guarantee

Further Coaching

I’m so confident in this course that if you get to the end and feel it hasn’t been enough I’m happy to work with you one to one!

I will not give up on you!

Still Not Convinced? Watch my FREE Masterclass!