What we cover…
- Learn 4 ways to improve your digestion – no diet required!
- Empower yourself to take back control of your digestive health & wellness
- Introduction on how to take your learning even further!

About Your Host:
Me, Kayla McCormack
Passionate about Health and Wellness
Worked in Wellness for over 9 years
Worked in holistic medicine
Over 4000+ hours Yoga Teaching experience
Ready to help you feel better!

Is this you?
Sick of trying fancy diets to help – anyone say FODMAP?
Think a food is your trigger then later eating it with no problem at all?
Feeling overwhelmed by all the things you could be doing to help your digestion?
Wondering “isn’t this is how everyone feels?”
Finding contradictory information all over Google
Life feels out of balance – not doing what you want because you’re busy doing what you don’t want
Now Imagine this…
Having a healthy digestive system can have many unseen benefits like…
- Keeping a Healthy Weight
- Healthy Weight Loss
- Clear Skin
- Enhanced Elimination of Toxins
- Heightened Mental Clarity
- Increased Energy and Stamina
- Regular, Consistent and Optimal Bowel Movements
- Improved Absorption of Nutrients
- Increased Immune System
- Increased Disease Defences
- Relief from Mood Disorders
This isn’t even everything! Imagine if you had optimal digestion and things just started to fall into place…

You can do it!
You CAN improve your digestion without touching your diet
You CAN find how food and you are related – learn your own triggers!
You CAN navigate the world of options available to you and choose the ones that work and that won’t take all day
You CAN connect with people in the same place as you and know that you are 1) not alone and 2) not being a big baby, everyone is NOT in as much pain and discomfort as you
You CAN have more stress-free days than stressed
You CAN manage you worry
You CAN find balance and spend your time doing what you love

What people are saying…
I really enjoyed the session and will watch again. Definitely lots of useful information which has made me think about digestion and some of the issues I get at times.
~ Jo Smith
Very informative and superbly explained. I very much liked the tool “EVALUATE”. I am into ways of empowering the self, as I think we all experience feelings of not being good enough at certain times in our lives.
~ Audrey