Your Nervous System

A 75-minute class on how to tap into the benefits of vegal tone and enhance your overall well-being including knowledge and techniques to promote parasympathetic nervous system activation.

When you see the lion on the couch your awareness narrows – all you see is that lion until it is no longer a threat. When you are stressed in life but the end is not so clear cut, you still have the same reaction. You become self-obsessed. You start distrusting the world around you. When you feel unsafe and preoccupied with self, you become unable to forge and maintain healthy social connections. It affects your motivation and creativity. To be more creative, positive and motivated you MUST get rid of the stress.

It goes like this:

🖤 We kick things off with a meditation – 5-10 minutes to find a little peace in your day and bring things into focus
🖤 Together, we’ll dive deep to the anatomy of the nervous system in all it’s many parts.
🖤 Then work to reconnect you to back to yourself. I’ll be here guiding you through this process of adding tools to your self-care kit. (No, not another bubble bath!)