Especially when you feel like you just cannot right now.

Lets start with a question…
How do you deal with stressful situations that are completely out of your control?
Yesterday was one of the most stressful days I’ve had in a long time and it seemed to come out of the blue.
So that happened. Now what?
Feel your feelings, don’t shy away
When the strong emotions pass – different emotions take their place. Guilt can follow anger, heart ache can follow misunderstood words, sadness, frustration, and then we might even loop back round to anger.
- Take time to feel how you feel, it doesn’t take long. Roll out your yoga matt and sit, wiggle, dance OR make a cuppa and have a sit near a window. Pause, breathe and allow yourself time to feel. [and for those times when even this is not possible – go to the loo to be alone]
- Ask yourself – how do I feel today, right now? You do NOT have to put how you feel into language you can just FEEL the answer.
- Say to yourself, this feeling is a part of me and I accept it. Chant it to yourself until you believe it.
But it’s not over…
Perhaps what has caused the strong emotions isn’t finished yet, maybe you still need to reply to that email, a decision still needs to be agreed upon.
- When you think about making a choice, writing the response etc notice what you feel – do the SAME strong emotions come up? Now is not the time to respond or make that choice.
- You are ready to respond when different feelings come up when you think about it. The same ones might be lingering there too but they are not taking centre stage any more. When that happens latch on to the new emotions and allow them to help you more forward.
Does it feel like it’s taking too long?
- Try this; cultivate compassion with Metta Bhavana
If this has really resonated with you and sounds like something you want to work on, book in a [FREE] discovery call to talk further.
If you want to do a little more introspection first – try out the Balance Your Life Questionnaire which will help you see if your life is in balance right now by giving you questions to ponder and rate on a scale of 1-10.
See you soon!